
Tribocorrosion performance of cellulose bio-base hydraulics fluids and their application in wave energy converters. 

Offshore wave energy converters (WECs) rely on different mechanical sub-systems such as hydraulic cylinders, joints, hinges, cables, gears and bearings to convert and transmit the kinematic energy transported by the waves and tides into mechanical usable energy. In order to comply with the increasing environmental regulations, and protect the mechanical moving components exposed to the […]

Tribocorrosion performance of cellulose bio-base hydraulics fluids and their application in wave energy converters.  Läs mer »

Self-assembly of 2D nanoflakes by using 1D cellulose nanofibrils

The earth-abundant 1D cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) have shown the capacity to assemble different functional nanoparticles into 2D films and 3D foams. 2D nanomaterials such as MXene, graphene, transitional metal dichalcogenides (MoS2, WS2, etc.) are the ones of most promising functional materials in optical, electronic, and magnetic fields. We are using the 1D CNF to align

Self-assembly of 2D nanoflakes by using 1D cellulose nanofibrils Läs mer »

Processintensifiering av sulfatmassaproduktion med ligninutvinning genom trycksatt framvänd osmos

Biofuels in the form of lignin bio-oil can be produced from sulfate pulp mill lignin. However, the current process developed by SunCarbon extracts lignin from black liquor by membrane filtration resulting in low lignin filtrate. This project thus aims to intensify the sulfate pulp production process with lignin recovery by enhancing the lignin recovery combined

Processintensifiering av sulfatmassaproduktion med ligninutvinning genom trycksatt framvänd osmos Läs mer »

Biokemisk omvandling av bark – en outnyttjad men rikligt förekommande resurs

Detta projekt syftar till att lägga en grund för ett effektivt nyttjande av bark via bioteknologiska metoder. Bark är en förnybar resurs som idag går till spillo i enorma mängder, då den räknas som en restprodukt utan värde. Barken innehåller en mängd komponenter som skulle kunna användas i energitillämpningar, och via biokemisk separation och nedbrytning

Biokemisk omvandling av bark – en outnyttjad men rikligt förekommande resurs Läs mer »

ModDD – Process modeling and new technical solutions for increased production rate

The aim of the project is to provide knowledge on how double disk refining can be more energy efficient. To increase the process efficiency it has been shown important to have a high production flow through the refiner and also apply large forces on the fiber material in the refiner gap. This to reduce hysteresis

ModDD – Process modeling and new technical solutions for increased production rate Läs mer »

Characterization of turbulent flows of non-Newtonian fluids with magnetic resonance flow imaging

The project “Characterization of turbulent flows of non-Newtonian fluids with magnetic resonance flow imaging” will provide critical knowledge necessary to provide accurate models for design, prediction and optimisation of processes in which non-Newtonian (and often multiphase) flows occur. The particular aspect that will be enabled is detailed comparison of flow data from experiments on opaque

Characterization of turbulent flows of non-Newtonian fluids with magnetic resonance flow imaging Läs mer »