H2O2 – Fuel and Energy Technology for the Future

Researching all-organic photo- and electro-catalysis to explore novel pathways to produce hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, and convert this fuel into electricity with a novel fuel cell technology. In order to achieve high-rate and large-volume production of H2O2 and conversion into electricity, we suggest to research and develop a novel catalytic paper electrode technology. These paper electrodes […]

Forest-based materials for optoelectronic devices

We explore the use and development of forest-based materials in organic and hybrid organic optoelectronic devices. We carry out fundamental materials studies combined with device design, fabrication and characterization.

Cellulose fibre/fibre interactions within molded fibre composites

This project aims to model cellulose fibre/fibre interactions using assembled CNF filaments produced by co-axial extrusion. These long, uniform filaments provide an excellent platform to investigate the impact of chemical and physical modification on joint strength. The findings of this work can then be used to a develop a better understanding of the interactions within […]

New specific chemical modifications for fibre functionalization including topo-selective modifications and advanced structure and chemical characterization

Identify robust modification strategies that unfolds a new generation of deliginified wet wood fibres with customizable properties. The scientific question that need to be addressed is strongly coupled to the apparent pore size of deliginified wet wood fibres and thereof the diffusion aspects of molecular/macromolecular/nanoparticle probes to homogenously bind to the exterior and interior of […]

Wood hemicelluloses: molecular structure and interactions in plant cell walls

Wood is a formidable composite material with unique biological functions (as secondary plant cell wall) and outstanding properties to be exploited in material applications. Hemicelluloses act as the molecular connection, interacting with cellulose microfibrils and lignins, contributing to wood integrity (biological function) but also to recalcitrance (technical challenge). The dynamics of hemicelluloses in hydrated form […]

Mass transfer challenges in wood decomposition

Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer. It can be extracted from the primary cell wall of green plants. The primary resource for production of cellulose is wood, where it is attached to other biopolymers such as hemicelluloses and Lignin. A challenging step in material biorefinery is separation of Lignin from cellulose, in which mass transport […]

Surface characterization of polymeric composites and their interaction with biological tissue

This project is dedicated to understanding the properties of polymeric networks and composites thereof. Cellulose nanofibres and other fillers are included in polymeric matrices to enhance specific properties such as adhesive, mechanical or biological. The final goal is to generate next generation tissue adhesives in which bio-based materials are used to a larger extend. The […]

Hyper Inertia Micro-Fluidization (HIMF)

Hyper Inertia Micro-Fluidization is a fibre fibrillation process design platform that shifts process understanding into the focus for process design. The goal of HIMF is to capture leading mechanism in fibre fibrillation and destruction by in-situ observation and characterization of treated fibres. An essential element of HIMF is the modular design that allows for a […]