
POR-BioSorb: PORous Bio-based and high-functional sorbent alternatives

POR-BioSorb, a collaboration of European Universities, SMEs, and Research Institutes, aims to introduce the use of bio-based, energy-saving and climate-friendly porous materials with high absorption capacity. By using low-cost polymers from various biomass sources and advanced green production technologies developed in the consortium, this project will develop environmentally friendly alternatives to current materials that are […]

POR-BioSorb: PORous Bio-based and high-functional sorbent alternatives Läs mer »

Electroactive Cellulose Composites Towards Future Green Devices

In the last few decades, significant interest has arisen in the use of cellulose in conjunction with electrically conductive materials for a wide range of applications, from energy storage and actuators to sensors. The primary driving force for selecting cellulosic materials stems from their intrinsic and extrinsic properties, such as high flexibility, processability, chemical stability,

Electroactive Cellulose Composites Towards Future Green Devices Läs mer »

Återanvändning av matavfall för att konstruera svampmembran och filter för vatten- och luftrening

Filter och membran är halvgenomsläppliga barriärer, som ofta produceras från fossilbaserade polymerer och används för luft- och vattenrening. Membranfiltreringsanläggningar drabbas av omfattande membranbeläggningar, vilket kräver frekvent membranbyte. Detta medför en stor mängd plastavfall. Å andra sidan, har coronapandemin lett till en dramatisk ökning engångsmasker och flera miljarder masker slängs varje dag. Miljövänliga alternativ krävs för

Återanvändning av matavfall för att konstruera svampmembran och filter för vatten- och luftrening Läs mer »

Improved uniformity of the fibers liberated in the kraft pulp digester 

This project sets out to elucidate mass transport characteristics during delignification of wood chips as a means of understanding and controlling non-uniform delignification effects, associated to low efficiency and poor property control in the current pulping processes. To obtain information on local variations of delignification effect in a wood chip, the treated chips will be

Improved uniformity of the fibers liberated in the kraft pulp digester  Läs mer »

Soft highly swelling fibres by alkali-activated chemical modification 

To make cellulose fibres more flexible and malleable, components inside the fibre must be properly modified, that is, the lignin, hemicellulose or cellulose needs to be at least partly transformed into a proper derivative. Several cellulose derivatives are today produced through chemical reactions that involves formation of ether bonds. To reach sufficient efficiency, these reactions

Soft highly swelling fibres by alkali-activated chemical modification  Läs mer »

Digital Cellulose Center

Centrumet har en tvärvetenskaplig kompetens och infrastruktur för industridriven, excellent forskning inom området digital cellulosa. Genom strategisk kompetens och samarbetsstrukturer ska centrumet göra cellulosabaserade produkter till en integrerad del av ett hållbart, digitalt samhälle och bidra till en ökad tillväxt hos den deltagande industrin. Forskningen inom Digital Cellulose Center fokuserar på området digital cellulosa, där

Digital Cellulose Center Läs mer »

Processing of organosolv fractions for a functionalization and valorization in biobased materials

Optimization of organosolv wood fractioning is performed to obtain pulp containing cellulose, hemicellulose, andlow levels of lignin. The pulp is functionalized to achieve specific fibre properties, such as water stability. The functionalized fibres are evaluated in industrial partners’ products, i.e. biobased foams, to provide valuable feedback for optimization of the functionalization procedures based on industry

Processing of organosolv fractions for a functionalization and valorization in biobased materials Läs mer »

Efficient Washing of Paper grade pulp in the kraft process

The project contributes to strengthened Swedish competitiveness through its expected research results and new fundamental knowledge for the development of an efficient pulp washing process and thus through an increased pace of innovation in the transition to a circular economy. After pulping the wood chips, the resulting pulp fibres and cooking liquor are separated in a

Efficient Washing of Paper grade pulp in the kraft process Läs mer »

Real time 4D X-ray microtomography Imaging and analysis of water transport mechanisms in sustainable paper straws

At present, there are no quantitative experimental studies for liquid transport with relevant spatial and temporal resolution in cellulose fiber networks. This project aims to improve the understanding of the dynamic interplay between water transport processes and the cellulose fiber network. In this way, the proportion of sorption of water in pores and cell walls

Real time 4D X-ray microtomography Imaging and analysis of water transport mechanisms in sustainable paper straws Läs mer »