3-material forming

Biocomposites-Materials modification to increase the processabilty at high fiber content

The current application aims at facilitating a substantial increase in the content of renewable lignocellulosic fibers in fiber reinforced wood fiber polymer composites (WFPL). The target is to enable production of WFPL’s with a fiber content >> 60%. For the forest based industries, this will create new market segments within construction, automotive and industrial goods,

Biocomposites-Materials modification to increase the processabilty at high fiber content Läs mer »

Inverse modelling of nanofibril dynamics in flowing systems

Design, scale-up and optimisation of flow systems for production of nanostructured assemblies is critical if the potential of many nanotechnologies is to be realised. Computer simulations of the flow and material structure will, of course, play an important role in this work. However, the behaviour of nanoscale building blocks (such as nanofibrils) cannot be simulated

Inverse modelling of nanofibril dynamics in flowing systems Läs mer »

The FORMAX-portal – access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry

With the ForMAX Portal we aim to establish a platform at MAX IV that will contribute to the development of the forest industry with respect to knowledge, competence and competitiveness. The forest industry has been a cornerstone in Swedish economy during the last century. Presently the global competition regarding packaging paper grades and a general

The FORMAX-portal – access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry Läs mer »

Miljövänlig ingenjörskonst på ligno- och nanocellulosa materials: Nya hållbara produkter (ENM-NSP)

Övergången ifrån petroleumbaserade kemiska processer till “grön kemi” processer baserade på förnybara råvaror ger betydande miljömässiga fördelar och är ett måste för att upprätthålla ekonomisk tillväxt i framtiden. En relativt färsk analys som initierades av European Climate Foundation, ECF, har visat ett antal möjliga vägar till ett hållbart Europa med minskat beroende av fossilt kol

Miljövänlig ingenjörskonst på ligno- och nanocellulosa materials: Nya hållbara produkter (ENM-NSP) Läs mer »

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College

FORIC (Forest as a resource industrial research college) is our industrial research school. Program manager is Prof. Per Engstrand. Coordinator for the research school is Dr. Olof Björkqvist. FORIC is financed by the Knowledge Foundation and a part of our research environment Transformative Technologies at Mid Sweden University. FORIC is a graduate school in close

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College Läs mer »

All wood cellulose films from flow

The project is on composites that comprise dominantly wood-based components. Fundamental endeavors are on orientation of cellulose nanomaterials and fibers in films. This is mediated via flow and shear. Cellulose body interactions are tuned by tuning particle surface characteristics. Rheology, crystallinity, strength and barrier performance are used to assess the products and the process. (part

All wood cellulose films from flow Läs mer »

Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes

Today, there is an urge to meet the increased textile consumption by wood- and recycled cellulose textiles, based on new sustainable dissolution concepts for cellulose. Still, there are only few solvents capable of dissolving the intricate cellulose structure while being environmentally friendly and industrially viable. One of them, experiencing a renewed interest is undoubtedly cold

Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes Läs mer »

0-3D Production of power papers

In 0-3D, we explore process protocols and manufacturing techniques for products based on electro-functionalized cellulose and cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) at large scale and volumes – Production of Power Papers. Bulky cellulose and CNF structures are excellent as the 3D scaffold for electro-active nanoparticles (0D), nano-fibers (1D) and coaxial coatings (2D) in order to scale-up high-performing

0-3D Production of power papers Läs mer »

ForMAX förstudie

Projektet syftar dels till att utveckla experimentella miljöer för att studera skogsrelaterade processer och material vid MAX IV, dels till att demonstrera användningen av synkrotronljus och neutroner för forskning med stor industrirelevans samt slutligen till att utveckla strålröret ForMAX strukturbidrag och prestanda.

ForMAX förstudie Läs mer »