Synchrotron Characterization Methods in Fibre and Polymer Technology – Theory
Theoretical descriptions on: X-ray interaction with matter Basics of synchrotron radiation and x-ray sources Refraction and reflection from interfaces Diffraction: X-ray diffraction, grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering Scattering: X-ray reflectivity, small-angle X-ray scattering, grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering Coherence: Coherent diffraction imaging, X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Applied examples of in situ and in operando measurements […]
WWSC Academy
Transport phenomena course – Resource Smart Processes
The course will be a combination of lectures and seminars covering transport phenomena such as molecular motion, arbitrary continua, and turbulent flow (see course program for more info). This course is given by Resource-smart Processes. Read more about RSP
Treesearch Bootcamp course 2023
The Treesearch bootcamp course gives you both theoretical knowledge and practical experience of the industrial processes; from wood chips to pulp and paper. During two intensive weeks you will get a comprehensive overview of the mill processes, and get an understanding of the factors that affects the properties of the final products. The fist week […]
Fibre Water Interactions
Moisture sorption and swelling Water sorption and paper structure Influence of temperature and water on mechanical properties Interactions of fibres and water – product demands Influence of moisture on mechanosorptive creep
Packaging materials
Packaging will be presented and discussed from the performance perspective, in certain applications with a focus on food stuffs, including product safety (especially materials and barriers perspective), economics/services (systems perspective), communications and marketing, logistics, design and sustainability. Materials used in packaging, and some of the converting processes, will be covered, such as glass, metals, polymers […]