Electron Microscopy Analysis of Fibre and Polymer-based Materials

It is possible to take part of the online seminars in this course, free of charge. Register by sending an email to anaria@kth.se (deadline February 26). The course registration for regular participation, with course credits, in both the theoretical and hands-on part, is now full. PhD students who want to participate in the course and obtain […]

NMR Spectroscopy introduction level

The course contains 5 topics covering the followings Basic principles of NMR spectroscopy, the spectrometer Spectral parameters (chemical shift, couplings) Relaxation, 13C-NMR, Polarization transfer experiments, Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE) 2D-NMR spectroscopy, Protocol for routine structure determination Dynamic NMR Spectroscopy Additional to the lectures a significant amount of time will be spent on solving problems and […]

Fibre Water Interactions

Moisture sorption and swelling Water sorption and paper structure Influence of temperature and water on mechanical properties Interactions of fibres and water – product demands Influence of moisture on mechanosorptive creep


The course contains 4 topics covering the following: History and development of nanocelluloses (NC). Knowledge of the structure of the fibre wall and the overall link to nanocellulose extraction. Different types of NCs, their colloidal properties and essential characterization techniques. Materials and applications from nanocellulose.

Paper surfaces – Characterisation and properties

Surface chemistry of paper Surface chemistry of paper Surface topography Pore structure Surface characterization techniques Light scattering and paper gloss – Effect of surface properties Wettability, capillarity, spreading, special focus on short term wetting Mechanical properties (incl. fracture mechanics) of coating layers Ink–substrate interaction

Mechanics of fibre networks and materials

There is a wide class of materials where a fiber network is the main load-carrying component. This class encompasses paper, paperboard, tissue and many biopolymers. These materials are known to have outstanding stiffness-to-mass ratio which is one of the reasons they are so abandon in nature. We will study this class of materials by considering […]