Fractionation of wood components using membrane filtration

Development of efficient separation processes are vital for the realisation of the biorefinery concept. Membrane filtration as a pressure driven operation has the potential of being a very energy efficient separation and fractionation method in this application. However one of the largest challenge when using membranes is fouling and these fouling problems can be expected […]

Biocomposites-Materials modification to increase the processabilty at high fiber content

The current application aims at facilitating a substantial increase in the content of renewable lignocellulosic fibers in fiber reinforced wood fiber polymer composites (WFPL). The target is to enable production of WFPL’s with a fiber content >> 60%. For the forest based industries, this will create new market segments within construction, automotive and industrial goods, […]

Design av fuktokänsliga biobaserade syrgasbarriärer genom att systemtiskt korrelera biopolymernas molekylstrukturna till barriärfunktionen

The total Swedish export income from packaging and forest-based products is more than 11%. Our forest is a renewable resource that can be used to produce and develop more sustainable packaging materials with decreased climate stress compared to today’s fossil ones or aluminum foil. But, the replacement of fossil based materials with bio-based counterparts is […]

Separation av oligomer hemicellulosa från koklut

Projektets huvudsakliga mål är att fraktionera högmolekylär hemicellulosa från sulfitlut. Processen som har utveklats inom projektet bygger på en initial membranfiltrering för att höja hemicellulosakoncentrationen. Hemicellulosan fraktioneras därefter selektivt från lignosulfonaterna genom fällning med alkoholer eller ketoner som sedan kan återvinnas. Hemicellulosan från projektet har testats i ett antal olika applicationer, bl.a. för att producera […]

Hydrotropisk fraktionering av ved

De första steget i ett bioraffinaderi bygger på fraktionering av biomassan för att utvinna de individuella byggstenarna. Beroende på typ av vedråvara och önskade produkter kan fraktioneringen av biomassan utformas på olika sätt. Inom projektet utvecklas en process för fraktionering av lövved baserat på en kombination av processer som först extraherar hemicellulosan med en ångförbehandling […]

Inverse modelling of nanofibril dynamics in flowing systems

Design, scale-up and optimisation of flow systems for production of nanostructured assemblies is critical if the potential of many nanotechnologies is to be realised. Computer simulations of the flow and material structure will, of course, play an important role in this work. However, the behaviour of nanoscale building blocks (such as nanofibrils) cannot be simulated […]

Characterization of turbulent flows of non-Newtonian fluids with magnetic resonance flow imaging

The project “Characterization of turbulent flows of non-Newtonian fluids with magnetic resonance flow imaging” will provide critical knowledge necessary to provide accurate models for design, prediction and optimisation of processes in which non-Newtonian (and often multiphase) flows occur. The particular aspect that will be enabled is detailed comparison of flow data from experiments on opaque […]

The FORMAX-portal – access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry

With the ForMAX Portal we aim to establish a platform at MAX IV that will contribute to the development of the forest industry with respect to knowledge, competence and competitiveness. The forest industry has been a cornerstone in Swedish economy during the last century. Presently the global competition regarding packaging paper grades and a general […]

Fibre-based materials for next generation energy storage systems

In this project we will explore the possibilities given by fibre-based wood polymer materials for applications for high capacity batteries, for electromobility as well as grid energy storage. These materials offer routes for modification and tuning of chemistry, the morphology and processing to obtain e.g. tailored porosity and functionality. This tailoring is needed both on […]