Modifiering av Kraft lignin for Material Syntes

Sverige har som målsättning att bli en totalt biobaserad ekonomi från år 2050. Skogsindustrin, som är en nyckelaktör för ekonomisk utveckling i Sverige, kan här spela en central roll. Vid produktion av kemisk massa frigörs en polyfenolisk förening som kallas lignin. Den globala årliga produktionen av lignin från den dominerande processen för att producera massa […]

Modifiering av Kraft lignin for Material Syntes Läs mer »

Transparenta, cellulosabaserade förpackningsmaterial med goda barriäregenskaper

I mark och hav ansamlas på grund av mänsklig aktivitet stora mängder plaster, ofta från påsaroch förpackningar. I värsta fall tar det flera hundra år för naturen att bryta ner dessa plaster.För att åtgärda denna miljöförstöring räcker det alltså inte bara att vi blir bättre på att återvinnaoch slänga vårt plastskräp på rätt sätt, utan

Transparenta, cellulosabaserade förpackningsmaterial med goda barriäregenskaper Läs mer »

Nanocellulose based filaments for advanced applications. In situ SAXS studies of wood delignification.

To develop and characterize filaments for advanced applications, i.e. green smart textiles or conductive fibers. Use a flow-focusing setup and cellulose nanofibers as a main material for preparation of filaments with high mechanical performance. To understand  the fundamentals behind alignment and particle organization. To study impact of hydrolysis and delignification of wood chips on their structure

Nanocellulose based filaments for advanced applications. In situ SAXS studies of wood delignification. Läs mer »

Lignin nanoparticles

The project is aimed for development and functionalization of nanoparticles (NPs) based on technical lignins. Due to natural origin of lignin and good biocompatibility, lignin NPs (LigNPs) can find application as targeted drug delivery vehicles for future implementation in biomedicine. Within the scope of this project, we aim to develop novel multifunctional lignin nanoparticles from

Lignin nanoparticles Läs mer »

The effect of compaction parameters on the properties of high-deformable paper

This project addresses the challenges of producing high-deformable paper for 3D forming applications using the in-plane compaction process. Enabling 3D forming of advanced paper structures paves the way for complete elimination of plastic based packaging or partial replacement of plastic in multi-material packages, which aligns with current international strategies for a sustainable development of the

The effect of compaction parameters on the properties of high-deformable paper Läs mer »

Karakterisering och kvantifiering av deformations- och skademekanismer i kartong under komplexa belastningsfall

Projektets mål är karakterisering och kvantifiering av deformations- och skademekanismer i kartong under komplexa belastningsfall. Sådana är praktiskta viktiga vid konvertering av kartong i allmänhet, men speciellt betydelsefulla vid 3D-formning av geometriskt avancerade strukturer. För att nå målet ska experimentella 4D datortomografiundersökningar kombineras med matematisk modellering.

Karakterisering och kvantifiering av deformations- och skademekanismer i kartong under komplexa belastningsfall Läs mer »

Develop contact-active antibacterial approaches on bio-based materials using LbL technique and their antibacterial mechanisms

Layer-by-layer coating technique has been shown their considerable advantages including fast and mild process, flexibility and easy to scale up comes to the surface functionalizations. One of the most pronounced functionalities is the antimicrobial approach. We are aiming at developing non-complicated methods for antibacterial properties on different substrates mainly cellulose-based materials using alternative cationic polyelectrolytes,

Develop contact-active antibacterial approaches on bio-based materials using LbL technique and their antibacterial mechanisms Läs mer »

Novel Lignin Based Thermoset Resins

The project focuses on synthetic pathways to modify lignin to introduce chemical groups suitable for cross-linking reactions and elaboration on the mechanical properties of the formed materials. The main focus is allylation, introducing an allyl ether functionallity selectively on phenols, and thiol-ene reactions for cross-linking of the thermoset resin. This is performed on technical lignin

Novel Lignin Based Thermoset Resins Läs mer »

Impact of compaction parameters on the mechanical properties of highly extensible paper

The possibility of producing three-dimensional advanced paper structures create the conditions for replacing plastic-based solutions or plastic details in packaging with multi-material and contributes in an essential way to strategies for a sustainable social development .  Within this context, the project deals with the challenge of producing highly stretchable paper for 3D forming applications through in-plane

Impact of compaction parameters on the mechanical properties of highly extensible paper Läs mer »

The use of bio-polymers in micro fluidic devices for biomedical applications

By combining the knowledge in the field of surface modification with bio-polymers such as cellulose with the knowledge in microfluidic devices for biomedical applications. We foresee a huge potential in creating new useful devices for future increased health. During the recent decade cellulose in the form of different types of nano cellulose have attracted a

The use of bio-polymers in micro fluidic devices for biomedical applications Läs mer »