1-wood components

Biokemisk omvandling av bark – en outnyttjad men rikligt förekommande resurs

Detta projekt syftar till att lägga en grund för ett effektivt nyttjande av bark via bioteknologiska metoder. Bark är en förnybar resurs som idag går till spillo i enorma mängder, då den räknas som en restprodukt utan värde. Barken innehåller en mängd komponenter som skulle kunna användas i energitillämpningar, och via biokemisk separation och nedbrytning […]

Biokemisk omvandling av bark – en outnyttjad men rikligt förekommande resurs Läs mer »

ModDD – Process modeling and new technical solutions for increased production rate

The aim of the project is to provide knowledge on how double disk refining can be more energy efficient. To increase the process efficiency it has been shown important to have a high production flow through the refiner and also apply large forces on the fiber material in the refiner gap. This to reduce hysteresis

ModDD – Process modeling and new technical solutions for increased production rate Läs mer »

Fractionation of wood components using membrane filtration

Development of efficient separation processes are vital for the realisation of the biorefinery concept. Membrane filtration as a pressure driven operation has the potential of being a very energy efficient separation and fractionation method in this application. However one of the largest challenge when using membranes is fouling and these fouling problems can be expected

Fractionation of wood components using membrane filtration Läs mer »

Hydrotropisk fraktionering av ved

De första steget i ett bioraffinaderi bygger på fraktionering av biomassan för att utvinna de individuella byggstenarna. Beroende på typ av vedråvara och önskade produkter kan fraktioneringen av biomassan utformas på olika sätt. Inom projektet utvecklas en process för fraktionering av lövved baserat på en kombination av processer som först extraherar hemicellulosan med en ångförbehandling

Hydrotropisk fraktionering av ved Läs mer »

The FORMAX-portal – access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry

With the ForMAX Portal we aim to establish a platform at MAX IV that will contribute to the development of the forest industry with respect to knowledge, competence and competitiveness. The forest industry has been a cornerstone in Swedish economy during the last century. Presently the global competition regarding packaging paper grades and a general

The FORMAX-portal – access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry Läs mer »


Visionen ar att med mindre modifieringar av dagens process ( och i stort sett med samma utrustning) kunna variera och styra några av massans nyckelegenskaper (så som fibernätverkets styrka, densitet och porositet) for att kunna möta kraven/specifikationerna som stalls hos nya cellulosabaserade produkter i en framtida alltmer differentierad marknad.  Projektet kommer att utgå ifrån fiberlinjens

AvanCell Läs mer »

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College

FORIC (Forest as a resource industrial research college) is our industrial research school. Program manager is Prof. Per Engstrand. Coordinator for the research school is Dr. Olof Björkqvist. FORIC is financed by the Knowledge Foundation and a part of our research environment Transformative Technologies at Mid Sweden University. FORIC is a graduate school in close

FORIC – Forest as a Resource Industrial Research College Läs mer »

All wood cellulose films from flow

The project is on composites that comprise dominantly wood-based components. Fundamental endeavors are on orientation of cellulose nanomaterials and fibers in films. This is mediated via flow and shear. Cellulose body interactions are tuned by tuning particle surface characteristics. Rheology, crystallinity, strength and barrier performance are used to assess the products and the process. (part

All wood cellulose films from flow Läs mer »

BioComposites – personalized products and services (PPS)

Projekttitel Biokompositer för personifierade produkter och tjänster BioComposites for personalized products and services (PPS) Projektbudget: Totalt: 11.835 ksek, sökt budget: 5.679 ksek  Projektlängd: 2017-09-01 – 2020-08-31 Aktörer inom projektet: RISE Bioeconomy (Innventia), skog företag, Perstorp AB, Addema AB, Fillauer Europe, Ortopedteknik Region Örebro, H&M, Holmen AB, LL Bolagen  Visionen för detta projekt är att göra det möjligt

BioComposites – personalized products and services (PPS) Läs mer »

Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes

Today, there is an urge to meet the increased textile consumption by wood- and recycled cellulose textiles, based on new sustainable dissolution concepts for cellulose. Still, there are only few solvents capable of dissolving the intricate cellulose structure while being environmentally friendly and industrially viable. One of them, experiencing a renewed interest is undoubtedly cold

Turning the cold NaOH(aq) into a powerful processing system for cellulose by utilizing its abundance of CO2 – a step towards sustainable textile processes Läs mer »