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Defence of doctoral thesis: Angelica Avella – Reactive extrusion of lignocellulose-polyester biocomposites

Chalmers | WWSC The defense is taking place at FB-Salen, Kemigården 1, Chalmers, and is possible to follow via Zoom. Opponent: Professor Manjusri Misra, University of Guelph, Canada Supervisor: Associate Professor Giada Lo Re.  Find link to Zoom here Abstract: The development of biodegradable and recyclable composites based on renewable resources can mitigate the effects of plastic […]

Defence of doctoral thesis: Angelica Avella – Reactive extrusion of lignocellulose-polyester biocomposites Läs mer »

Licentiate seminar: Åke Henrik-Klemens – Viscoelastic properties and plasticization potential of native, residual, and technical lignin

Chalmers | FibRe The seminar is taking place at PJ-salen, Fysik Origo, Kemigården 1, Göteborg, and is possible to follow online.  Supervisor: Prof. Anette Larsson Follow the seminar on zoom here Abstract: Lignin in biomass, pulp, and isolated during pulping all have great potential as renewable and inexpensive thermoplastic components and materials, but widespread utilization

Licentiate seminar: Åke Henrik-Klemens – Viscoelastic properties and plasticization potential of native, residual, and technical lignin Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Anna Hjorth – Filtration of Microcrystalline and Microfibrillated Cellulose: The impact of ions and electric field

Chalmers The defense is taking place at Chalmers and is possible to follow via Zoom. Opponent: Associate Professor Morten Lykkegaard Christensen, Aalborg University, Denmark  Supervisor: Professor Hans Theliander Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract:  Dewatering plays an essential role in the processing of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and microfibrillated cellulose (MFC), as their commercial attractiveness in

Defence of doctoral thesis: Anna Hjorth – Filtration of Microcrystalline and Microfibrillated Cellulose: The impact of ions and electric field Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Saül Llacer Navarro – Role of Sulfate Half-Ester Groups on the Oxidative Modifications and Network Formation of Cellulose Nanocrystals

Chalmers | WWSC The defense is taking place at Chalmers at room Kemigarden 4, 10:a room.  The presentation part is possible to follow online via Zoom. Opponent: Professor Karen Edler, Lund University Supervisor: Associate Professor Tiina Nypelö, Chalmers / Aalto University Follow the defense on zoom here Password: 370781 Abstract: Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are nanomaterials with

Defence of doctoral thesis: Saül Llacer Navarro – Role of Sulfate Half-Ester Groups on the Oxidative Modifications and Network Formation of Cellulose Nanocrystals Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Anders Ahlbom – Hydrothermal Depolymerisation of Kraft Lignin: The Influence of Capping Agents and Residence Time

Chalmers The defense is taking place at room VasaA Lecture Hall, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, Göteborg, and on Zoom. Opponent: Prof. Lasse Rosendahl | The Faculty of Engineering and Science, AAU Energy | Aalborg University, Denmark Supervisors: Professor Hans Thelander, Chalmers Participants on zoom are asked to connect 10 minutes before the start of the defense, at

Defence of doctoral thesis: Anders Ahlbom – Hydrothermal Depolymerisation of Kraft Lignin: The Influence of Capping Agents and Residence Time Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Monika Tõlgo – Discovery and applications of family AA9 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases

Chalmers | WWSC Chalmers Campus Johanneberg, Hall FB, Fysik Origo, entrance from Fysikgården 4, floor 7 Campus Johanneberg: FB ( via Zoom. Opponent:Professor Maija Tenkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland Supervisor: Professor Lisbeth Olsson, Chalmers Follow the defense on zoom here Password: For the Zoom password, please contact Gunilla Bankel Andersson Link to thesis at

Defence of doctoral thesis: Monika Tõlgo – Discovery and applications of family AA9 lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Sozan Darabi – Electrically Conducting Cellulose Yarns for Electronic Textiles

Chalmers | WWSC The defense is taking place at 10:an, Kemigården 4, Chalmers and online via Zoom. Opponent: Esma Ismailova, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Étienne Supervisor: Professor Christian Müller, Chalmers Follow the defense on zoom here Abstract: Wearable electronics can be used for the purpose of fitness tracking, health monitoring, energy harvesting, and even for communication.

Defence of doctoral thesis: Sozan Darabi – Electrically Conducting Cellulose Yarns for Electronic Textiles Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Anna Peterson – Cellulose networks in polymer composites: Utilizing nanocellulose to form thermoset-like, yet recyclable materials

Chalmers Supervisor: Christian Müller, Chalmers The defense will be held online via Zoom. Join the zoom defense Passcode: 334000 In case you have trouble connecting using the above button please paste the following link into your browser: Abstract: A circular economy for plastic materials is desired, to reduce the consumption of natural resources and

Defence of doctoral thesis: Anna Peterson – Cellulose networks in polymer composites: Utilizing nanocellulose to form thermoset-like, yet recyclable materials Läs mer »

Defence of doctoral thesis: Leo Svenningsson, Chalmers – Molecular orientation in cellulose fibers and composites

Welcome to doctoral thesis defense at Chalmers, held online.  Full title: Molecular orientation in cellulose fibers and composites Supervisor: Lars Nordstierna, Chalmers Opponent: prof. Leonard Mueller Read the thesis Abstract: The scope of this thesis is to quantitatively investigate the molecular orientation distribution of regenerated cellulose fibers and composites. The molecular orientation is known to aect macroscopic properties such

Defence of doctoral thesis: Leo Svenningsson, Chalmers – Molecular orientation in cellulose fibers and composites Läs mer »

Licentiate seminar: Beatrice Swensson, Chalmers – Cellulose solutions in aqueous hydroxide bases

Welcome to licentiate seminar at Chalmers. The seminar will be held online. Follow the link to the zoom-meeting. Use the password found below. Full title: Cellulose solutions in aqueous hydroxide bases  – Combining bases as a means towards improving and understanding dissolution and solution properties Supervisor: Merima Hasani, Chalmers Password: 765011 Read the thesis Abstract: Cellulose

Licentiate seminar: Beatrice Swensson, Chalmers – Cellulose solutions in aqueous hydroxide bases Läs mer »

Chalmersforskare härmar ultrastrukturen hos ved för 3D-printade gröna produkter

Forskare vid Chalmers tekniska högskola har gjort framsteg inom 3D-printing genom att ta fram ett träbaserat bläck som härmar den unika ultrastrukturen i trä. Deras forskning skulle kunna innebära ett genombrott för tillverkning av gröna produkter. Genom att efterlikna den naturliga cellulära arkitekturen i trä, presenterar de nu möjligheten att skapa gröna produkter, sprungna ur

Chalmersforskare härmar ultrastrukturen hos ved för 3D-printade gröna produkter Läs mer »