Advanced rheological characterization of cellulose based systems
Processing, e.g. extrusion, injection molding, typically involves rheologically complex materials in complex flow configurations. The deformation history therein experienced by materials is generally characterized by a series of shear, extensional, or a combination of the two deformations, at high isotopic pressures and temperatures. Therefore, a fundamental understanding of the material response in simple shear and […]
Development of a new rheometer system at MAX IV
Rheometry explores the relationship between forces and motion through (continuum) constitutive relations and suitably defined material functionsi. Rheometry is important for soft matter from two main reasonsii: (i) to investigate correlations between molecular structure and material behavior and (ii) to attempt the prediction of flow behavior in complex situations using material parameters determined in simple, […]
NMR as tool to study heterogeneity in biomass
In this project, the purpose is to implement solid-state NMR methods to obtain domain sizes in biopolymer composites and to determine molecular orientation distribution in anisotropic material. The ambition is to take advantage of recent methodological NMR development regarding spin diffusion and intrinsic chemical shielding tensor properties. The project is a part of WWSC
Functionalized cellulose structures from aqueous alkaline systems
Even though aqueous alkaline systems are among the most prominent and sustainable conversion media for cellulose (of particular importance for large scale processes) fundamental understanding of principal molecular interactions in these systems is still limited, especially of those stabilizing cellulose solutions in aqueous alkali. However, regardless of the nature of stabilizing interactions in these solutions, […]
Enzyme discovery and structure-function investigation of carbohydrate-active enzymes – new tools for biomass tailoring
The plant cell wall is a highly complex structure, and the main constituent of wood as a material. Microorganisms can break down essentially all parts of the cell wall with time, and their enzymatic strategies can today be utilized thanks to the advances in molecular biology and biochemistry. The enzymes can be used as highly […]
Biokemisk omvandling av bark – en outnyttjad men rikligt förekommande resurs
Detta projekt syftar till att lägga en grund för ett effektivt nyttjande av bark via bioteknologiska metoder. Bark är en förnybar resurs som idag går till spillo i enorma mängder, då den räknas som en restprodukt utan värde. Barken innehåller en mängd komponenter som skulle kunna användas i energitillämpningar, och via biokemisk separation och nedbrytning […]
Fractionation of wood components using membrane filtration
Development of efficient separation processes are vital for the realisation of the biorefinery concept. Membrane filtration as a pressure driven operation has the potential of being a very energy efficient separation and fractionation method in this application. However one of the largest challenge when using membranes is fouling and these fouling problems can be expected […]
Biocomposites-Materials modification to increase the processabilty at high fiber content
The current application aims at facilitating a substantial increase in the content of renewable lignocellulosic fibers in fiber reinforced wood fiber polymer composites (WFPL). The target is to enable production of WFPL’s with a fiber content >> 60%. For the forest based industries, this will create new market segments within construction, automotive and industrial goods, […]
Design av fuktokänsliga biobaserade syrgasbarriärer genom att systemtiskt korrelera biopolymernas molekylstrukturna till barriärfunktionen
The total Swedish export income from packaging and forest-based products is more than 11%. Our forest is a renewable resource that can be used to produce and develop more sustainable packaging materials with decreased climate stress compared to today’s fossil ones or aluminum foil. But, the replacement of fossil based materials with bio-based counterparts is […]
The FORMAX-portal – access to advanced x-ray methods for forest industry
With the ForMAX Portal we aim to establish a platform at MAX IV that will contribute to the development of the forest industry with respect to knowledge, competence and competitiveness. The forest industry has been a cornerstone in Swedish economy during the last century. Presently the global competition regarding packaging paper grades and a general […]
Fibre-based materials for next generation energy storage systems
In this project we will explore the possibilities given by fibre-based wood polymer materials for applications for high capacity batteries, for electromobility as well as grid energy storage. These materials offer routes for modification and tuning of chemistry, the morphology and processing to obtain e.g. tailored porosity and functionality. This tailoring is needed both on […]
Visionen ar att med mindre modifieringar av dagens process ( och i stort sett med samma utrustning) kunna variera och styra några av massans nyckelegenskaper (så som fibernätverkets styrka, densitet och porositet) for att kunna möta kraven/specifikationerna som stalls hos nya cellulosabaserade produkter i en framtida alltmer differentierad marknad. Projektet kommer att utgå ifrån fiberlinjens […]